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facebook to lunch its own retweet button soon

Under the surface of Paper — Facebook ‘s
new mobile app that’s half news feed,
half news reader — lies an important
new feature that works just like Twitter‘s
well-known “retweet.” At the bottom of
any post inside Paper, you can tap an
arrow symbol to bring up a Share dialog
and then tap Reshare to share the post
with your friends and followers.
"Tapping Reshare is as simple as
tapping Retweet on Twitter"
Reshare is similar to the “Share on your
own Timeline” option on Facebook’s
website and the “Share Now” option in
Facebook’s mobile apps, but is
markedly different because of its one-
tap simplicity and its use of the familiar
retweet symbol. “Share on your own
Timeline,” for example, asks you to write
a comment before sharing a post you’ve
found — while tapping Reshare is as
simple as tapping retweet on Twitter.
Perhaps with a more literal name and
symbol alongside it, people will use the
feature more, as Facebook seems to be
Reshare is far from the first time
Facebook has imitated or cloned a
Twitter feature: the company recently
launched hashtags and Trending Topics ,
as well as @-mentions to link to friends’
profiles. We don’t have screenshots of
Reshare since we only had a brief
glimpse of Paper when Facebook
demoed it for us, but check back on
Monday when the app launches for
continued coverage. The company says
it has “no current plans” to explicitly
bring Re-share to Facebook on other
platforms yet.

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