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biafranewsnnamdi kanu

Biafra : Nnamdi Kanu solicited for guns and bullet to fight Nigeria.

Nnamdi Kanu the Biafrans fore-man in a meeting solicited for guns and bullets to fight Nigeria which he called a zoo, and following the video posted on YouTube comments below shows that some people still don't want a war because it only brings cries. The zoo is where animals are kept, is it that all Nigerians are animals? 
Below is a link to the video http://youtu.be/1XU2JtlUF6M  and also some comments about the video.


  1. The guy is mentally derailed....

    1. And even of he is given the weapons to fight, I'm sure he will reach out to the youths, given reasons to fight and he will run and hide....... Is a pity in this 21st century people still wanna keep on old times.

  2. I just wonder for that guy......


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